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Student theses & internships

To be granted PhD

Bilal, M., Developing socio-economically and ecologically resilient cotton rotational farming systems, Government Model Autonomous Holkar, India.

Dnyaneshwar, T.M., Influence of tillage and organic inputs on enyzme activities, carbon fraction and productivity of cotton in vertisols, Akola University, India.

To be granted MSc

Hauri, J., Social and Institutional Factors Shaping Farmers' Adaptation to the Groundwater Issues in Madhya Pradesh, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Mathur, N., Comparison of how organic and conventional farming affect the storage of organic carbon and soil structure in subtropical Vertisols, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Ravali, E., Effect of different tillage and organic inputs on soil properties and yield of cotton in vertisols, Dr. P.D.K.V. Akola University, India

To be granted BSc

Shillinger, A., Using participatory methods to provide targeted soil improvement solutions, for improving soil fertility in farmer fields (India), HAFL, Switzerland


Luther, A., BSc, Designing participatory training programs for women in cotton farming in central India, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Mathur, N., MSc, Comparison of how organic and conventional farming affect the storage of organic carbon and soil structure in subtropical Vertisols. Technical University of Munich, Germany.

Nuwanthi, E.W.K.A., MSc, An intersectional analysis of caste and gender in organic cotton in Madhya Pradesh, University of Hohenheim, Germany.

Shende, S., MSc, Effect of long term organic management on carbon pools and yield of Cotton, Akola University, India.


Duddumpudi, A., MSc, Assessment of weed dynamics under organically grown cropping systems, Akola University, India

Ledroit, C., PhD, Ecological implications and sustainability of different cotton farming systems, Coventry University, France.

Mankar, E., MSc, Appraisal of carbon dynamics under organically grown cropping systems in semi arid agro ecosystems, Akola University, India

Patel, S., MSc, Effect of long term organic management on carbon pools and yield of Cotton in Vertisols, Akola University, India


Avinash, A., MSc, Effect of annual and perennial alley cropping systems on soil fertility and productivity of organic cotton, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth University, India.

Banderet, A.L., MSc, Assessment of yield gaps in conventional and organic cotton farming systems in Madhya Pradesh, Central India using APSIM, University of Basel, Switzerland.

Haberman, L., MSc, Impacts of organic cotton production on the livelihoods of farmers: A case study from central India. University of Innsbruck, Austria and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.

Venkata, A.D., MSc, Weed population dynamics under organic, bio-dynamic, conventional Bt and Non-Bt Cotton. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth University, India.


Vuggumudi, H. V., MSc, Comparison of weed diversity in wheat, University Hohenheim, Germany.


Bhat, N.A., PhD, Ecological implications and sustainability, Devi Ahilya Undiversity, India.


Helfenstein, J., MSc, Determinants of soil and wheat zinc concentrations: an on-farm study in Madhya Pradesh, India. Unpublished, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

Mueller, MSc, Characterization of organic and conventional cropping systems growing wheat in Madhya Pradesh. Unpublished, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

Schweizer, S. A., MSc, Evaluation of soil physical properties under long-term organic and conventional agricultural systems in central India. Hohenheim Univeristy, Germany.


Zweifel, J., BSc, Assessment of options and tools for pest monitoring in organic cotton production systems of the Nimar region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil, Switzerland.


Utz, C., BSc, Assessment of self-made pest control products for organic cotton production in the Nimar region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Unpublished, Swiss College of Agriculture, Zollikofen, Switzerland.


Dietzel, N., Kahle, J., Internship, Local Knowledge of Pests and Pest Management in the Nimar Region in Madhya Pradesh, India. ASA-Program, Berlin, Germany.

Kahle, J., Internship, Local knowledge of pest management, ASA program, Germany

Gomez, S., BSc, Identification and Evaluation of Improved Manure Management Options in the Context of Rural India. Unpublished, Swiss College of Agriculture, Zollikofen, Switzerland.

Nyffenegger, M. R., BSc, Improving plant availability of P contained in local rock phosphate for use on alkaline soils. Swiss College of Agriculture, Zollikofen, Switzerland.


Schonter, C., Internship, Gender aspects in cotton-based farming systems, Humbolt University Berlin, Germany.

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