Main local implementing partners

Ecotop S.R.L
Ecotop is a consultancy firm that offers training, consultancy and extension work for sustainable agricultural development in tropical and subtropical regions with focus on agroforestry systems.

Institute of Ecology, University San Andres
The Institute of Ecology, of the University San Andres, is a national competence centre for biodiversity, and carried out research and academic capacity building. Further, it is a service provider with a specialised laboratory for environmental sciences.

Fundación PIAF-El Ceibo
Fundación PIAF-El Ciebo is a non-profit organisation which offers technical assistance to El Ciebo Ltd (Central of cocoa producer cooperatives) members and non-members. It provides planting materials and other inputs for cocoa growers and carries out applied research activities in agroforestry and forestry.
For more information on local partners in Bolivia: Read more

bioRe Foundation, bioRe India Association & Remei India Ltd
The bioRe India Association is a farmers’ association with the vision to empower organic and biodynamic farmers and communities by facilitating education and promoting infrastructure, addressing local needs thus leading to holistic and sustainable development. The association has engaged a research team on joint activities with FiBL in the field of long-term system comparison. The bioRe association is linked to the organic cotton farming company Remei India Ltd which is a subsidiary of Swiss Remei AG.
For more information on local partners in India: Read more

Institute of Insect Physiology and Ecology
The Institute of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) is an organisation based in the tropics whose mission is to help alleviate poverty, ensure food security and improve the overall health status of peoples by developing and extending management tools and strategies for harmful and useful arthropods, while preserving the natural resource base through research and capacity building.
For more information on local partners in Kenya: Read more