Implementing partners
Main partners

Ecotop Foundación
Address: Sapecho, Alto Beni, Department La Paz, Bolivia
Ecotop is a consultancy firm that offers training, consultancy and extension work for sustainable agricultural development in tropical and subtropical regions with focus on agroforestry systems.
Ecotop is in charge of the management of the long-term trial in Sara Ana, which includes activities such as the execution of the agricultural work, agronomic, economic and meteorological data collection, soil sampling, and inputs and outputs measurements. Ecotop also manages the staff and infrastructure, coordinates visits, farmer’s trial committee, student's work and biodiversity scientists.

Institute of Ecology, University San Andres
Address: Calle 27, Cota Cota, La Paz, Bolivia
The Institute of Ecology, of the University San Andres, is a national competence centre for biodiversity, and carried out research and academic capacity building. Further, it is a service provider with a specialised laboratory for environmental sciences.
The Institute of Ecology is in charge of data collection and analysis of biodiversity parameters, the supervision of student’s thesis and soil laboratory analysis.

Fundación PIAF-El Ceibo
Address: Sapecho, Alto Beni, Department La Paz
Fundación PIAF-El Ciebo is a non-profit organisation which offers technical assistance to El Ciebo Ltd (Central of cocoa producer cooperatives) members and non-members. It provides planting materials and other inputs for cocoa growers and carries out applied research activities in agroforestry and forestry.
Fundación PIAF-El Ciebo deals with the implementation of participatory technology development at on farm level, data collection, farmers exchange and training, dissemination of project activities and results.
Additional partners

El Ceibo Ltd.
Address: Agroindustrias El Ceibo, Av. Juan Pablo II No. 2560, El Alto
The El Ceibo Ltd. is a commercial umbrella organisation for cocoa grower’s cooperatives. Its main activities are processing and trading of cocoa for national and international markets.

Association of Organic Producers Organisations of Bolivia
Address: Av. Landaeta, esquina Calle Luis Crespo (San Pedro), La Paz
The Association of Organic Producers Organisations (AOPEB) operates as a non-profit association, which endeavours to represent the organic movement in Bolivia. It is in charge of lobbing, policy dialog, and dissemination of know-how for organic production, certification and market access.

Fundación PROINPA
Address: Calle Hermanos Manchega, La Paz
The Fundación PROINPA is a private research centre for agriculture in the Altiplano and Andean valleys with specialisation in genetic resources, plant pathology, production systems and participative methodology.