Outcome 2 - Participatory on-farm research (POR) and capacity building

Program Outcome 2 has a focus on fostering sustainable agricultural production systems in the project areas through participatory development of innovations addressing bottlenecks (POR) and by improved capacities of partner institutions.
By addressing the major bottlenecks of sustainable farming in a participatory manner, outcome 2 provides direct benefit to the local farming communities. Using a well‐established mother‐baby trial concept (particularly in India), this output engages farmers and local stakeholders in POR to prioritise farming challenges and to find applied solutions.The POR approach offers a significant advantage in triggering innovation and adoption of technologies by local farmers, whereas engagement with training and extension services helps in wider dissemination of the technologies.
To achieve the maximum and long‐lasting impact of the SysCom program, partner institutions need to be enabled for taking up greater responsibility. The discussion about more responsibility will start at the peer‐level, and will stimulate dialog within functional networks at national and regional levels. Tailored capacity building measures agreed with the partners will facilitate this process. For instance, in order to strengthen the local networks, national level scientific advisory boards (national‐SAB) in all the three partner countries are established.
Expected results from the outcome 2 are as follows:
- Innovations addressing bottlenecks of sustainable agricultural production systems are developed through participatory on-farm research (POR) in concert with LTEs and are taken up by local stakeholders.
- Local partners have the capacity to independently conduct research and dissemination activities in organic/agro-ecological farming.
- The continuation of the project sites is secured with new ownership and funding structures.