Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
A scientific advisory board (SAB) supervises the scientific quality of the project work. SysCom include a SAB on program level to advise the scientific coordinators and the country leaders in strategic scientific decisions. At the local level, i.e. in the country of each project site, national scientific advisory boards (NSAB) include main and associated partners and FiBL. The NSAB decide on and plan activities on a year-to-year basis, monitor project progress at the level of the expected outputs, decide on the admission of new partners and develop a common communication strategy at the local level.
Scientific Advisory Baord at program level (SAB)

Georg Cadisch
(Prof. Dr.)
Head of the Centre for Agriculture and Plant Production in the Tropics and Subtropics
Institute of Plant Production and Agroecology in the Tropics and Subtropics
University Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone +49 711 459 22438
Fax +49 711 459 22304

Bruno Condori
Public University of El Alto
Area of Agricultural Sciences, Livestock and Natural Resources
El Alto, Villa Esperanza, Av. Juan Pablo II y Sucre
La Paz, Bolivia
bruno.condori(at), bcondori(at)

Andreas Fliessbach
(Dr. sc. agr.)
Group of Soil Sciences, FiBL
Ackerstrasse 113
5070 Frick, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0)62 865-7225
Fax +41 (0)62 865-7273

Lindsay Norgrove
(Prof. Dr.)
Lecturer at Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst-, und Lebensmittelwissenschaften (HAFL)
Länggasse 85
3051 Zollikofen, Switzerland
Phone +41 31 910 21 94

Gerold Gerhard
(Prof. Dr.)
Institute of Geography, Department of Landscape Ecology
University of Göttingen
37077 Göttingen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)551 39 14956

Anne W. Muriuki
Chief Research Scientist
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation
Horticulture Research Institute
P.O. Box 220 0100 Thika, Kenya
+254 721 822 312
Anne.Muriuki(at), muriukianne(at)

Rainer Schulin
(Prof. Dr.)
Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Department of Enironmental Systems Science
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich
8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0) 44 633 60 71

Randhir Singh
Ex ADG (Ag Extension), ICAR &
Consultant-National Coordinator (Seed Systems), ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
New Delhi, India
adgextension(at), randhir.singh(at)

Franco Weibel
(Dr. Ing. Agr. ETH)
Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Ebenrain (LZE)
Ebenrainweg 27
4450 Sissach, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0)61 552 21 46
Fax +41 (0)61 552 21 55