Funding agencies
During the first project phase, FiBL was able gain support from four different donors interested in learning more about organic and sustainable agricultural production practices in the tropics. Biovision Foundation, Coop Sustainability Fund, Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) and Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) jointly fund the different sites and their respective activities. All donors have expressed interest in committing to the project over the long term and acknowledged the need to follow through with the experiments over 10 to 20 years.
Together with FiBL, the financing partners form a Coordination Committee of Donors (CCD). The CCD takes strategic decisions regarding future plans for the project as a whole, it assures sufficient funding for implementation and it monitors project progress at the level of impact chains.
In addition to the core donors, the Leopold Bachmann Foundation supports the SysCom Bolivia project in disseminating their results through training materials and international training courses. Additionally, the project contributes to the development and international promotion of the Sara Ana research and training center in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Biovision Foundation
Biovision Foundation combats hunger and poverty and is committed to the dissemination and application of ecological methods that sustainably improve living conditions in Africa whilst also conserving the environment. Biovision renders "help for self-help" and promotes ecological thought and action in both the North and South.
Coop Sustainability Fund
The Coop Sustainability Fund promotes innovative projects, thereby generating direct benefits for both society and the environment. Through the Sustainability Fund, Coop invests in projects and also provides them with human resources, valuable partner networks and structures, and communication tools.
Coop demonstrates its awareness in the contribution of animal welfare and the maintenance of biodiversity and healthy soil. Its tools include promotion of organic farming in both Switzerland and abroad.
Liechtenstein Development Service
The Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) is the official development aid of Liechtenstein's government. It works especially in rural regions in the fields of education, health and rural development and gives priority to gender issues, social justice and the environment in all respects.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
The SDC, a division of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), is guided by its concern to reduce hardship and poverty and to overcome major global challenges such as climate change, migration flows and access to water. The SDC implements Switzerland’s international cooperation. It is constantly expanding its activities in fragile contexts. Switzerland’s international cooperation includes all the activities it carries out in the areas of humanitarian aid, technical and financial cooperation with developing countries, economic and trade cooperation, transition aid as well as peacebuilding and human security.

Leopold Bachmann Foundation
Leopold Bachmann Foundation want to achieve equal opportunities for all individuals to acquire knowledge and develop their skills so they can build a life based on self-determination and make valuable contributions to their communities and to society. The primary focus lies on disadvantaged individuals, with special attention given to youth and young adults ages 15 to 30 years.