Site description Bolivia
In Bolivia, the project area is located in the Yungas of the department La Paz, in the eastern foothills of the Bolivian Andes. The long-term trial lies on an alluvial terrace in the valley of the river Alto Beni (380 m.a.s.l.).
Project site (long-term trial) on google maps (15°27’36.60S, 67°28’20.65W)
Soils at the trial site are Lixisols and Luvisols.The nearest weather station (Sapecho: 410 m.a.s.l.) reports 1439 mm mean annual precipitation, 25.2 °C mean annual temperature, and 83.0% mean annual relative humidity.
For the project activities nearby the long-term experiment, housing and processing facilities for harvested products have been built up since 2008. The centre Sara Ana in the meantime has developed into a research and training centre, with national and international visits and courses and the infrastructure to host bigger groups as well as researchers.